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I'm taking a fiction writing course at University. Console Wars. Console War Fanfic. It's not funny, I'm not a comedian. Deal with it. You don't have to read it.

I'll try my best to be historically accurate and unbiased, but if I make a historical inaccuracy please correct me. Pardon me if I emblish a bit.

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The story starts from 5th generation onwards.

Book 1: Gens 5-6

Book 2: Gen 7

Book 3: Gen 8



East: The Equivalent of Japan. The Sega Family, PlayStation Family, and the Nintendo Family originated here. Became the seat of power after the Great Crash.

North: The Equivalent of Europe, its capital UK is dubbed "Prime", while the power has never been seated here, whatever family wins its support has powerful influence.

West: The Equivalent of US. The Microsoft Family originates from here, it is rumored that the Wizard originated here as well. The great crash diminished its influence but it has once again become the seat of power, as the East becomes more concerned with the lesser families.

South: The rest of the World. Less influential than North, but still important.


The Nobles: Third Party Developers. Dominated by Nintendo until the 5th gen. They have generally become lazier as time carried on.

The Masses: The casuals. They rarely take place in the battle for the throne all though this is starting to change.

The Regulars: The gamers. While above the Masses, they are lower than the nobles and when united they have the power to make change. Unfortunately, they are usually divided.

The Wizard: PC, the originator of the arcane PC arts and the famed x86-64 architecture. Many families attempt to use his teachings to claim the throne. He is generation-less and legendary, but he still has mortal emotions and his pride can cause him to overlook the desires of common men.

Nintendo: A Veteran of the Great Crash. Originally starting as a peddler of playing cards, he became a powerful force during the Great Crash and united the world under a single regime. As a young man, Nintendo and his first sons were ruthless, mercilessly dispatching his opponents. As time progressed though, he became more detached from the world.

Sega: The self-proclaimed rival of Nintendo whose sons where slain by PlayStation. He granted Xbox his favor when Xbox challenged PlayStation, but now he is working with Nintendo's grandchildren.

Sony: A young merchant from the East who was seduced by Nintendo. She was engaged to Nintendo and was pregnant with his child, but after some intense arguments between the two, Nintendo in his rage, abandoned Sony at the altar, and instead married Phillips, a wealthy western merchant instead. She gave birth to PlayStation and instilled in him a sense of fury and ruthlessness that dwarfed even his father. Until Recently, Sony served on the Council but was forced to retire due to her health.

Microsoft: A wealthy merchant from the West who serves on the Council lead by the Wizard. Interestingly, the Wizard used to be a student of him when the Wizard was still mortal. He encouraged his young son Xbox to participate in war and politics with the goal of dominating the business of the World.

Nintendo "GameCube" 64, aka 64: The Son of Nintendo and Phillips, Heir to the legacy of the SNES. Half-Brother of PlayStation. Although talented in combat, his desire for control, inherited from his father was his ruin, as he slowly lost support from the nobles. He was forced to move to the countryside and married a poor but pretty commoner.

Sony "2 Slim 3" PlayStation aka PS: The Son of PlayStation, Nintendo's bastard son, Half-Brother of 64. Passionate and furious, he often resembled a young Nintendo in battle. He also managed to sway many nobles to his side, even those who had originally supported Nintendo. Fulfilling his Mother's Vendetta. He conquered the throne and ousted the Nintendo Family, destroying the Sega Family in the process. Having achieved his goal, his anger became toxic and fueled his paranoia, causing him to make fatal mistakes against the son of Microsoft, who had learned from their first encounter, resulting in a power shift and the decline of his mother's health.

Sega "Saturn" Dreamcast: The Son of Sega who was slain in battle by PlayStation. While he had innovative tactics and ideas, he was no match for the ruthlessness of PlayStation. After the Nintendo's Onslaught, the appearance of PlayStation forced Sega into the Noble class.

Microsoft "360" Xbox: The Son of Microsoft and a student of the arcane PC arts. His blood is said to contain traces of the Wizard's magic. He is one of the few newcomers who survived breaking into politics and his drive and desire reminded Sega of his own Son. He was beaten handily by PlayStation in their first war, but he successfully learned from the experience, ousting PlayStation when they fought for a second time having successfully used his fury against him.

Nintendo Wii: The Daughter of 64, the Twin Sister of DS, the Half-Niece of PlayStation. Despite growing up poor, she like her grandfather gained power and influence and eventually reclaimed the throne. But unlike her predecessors, she did it through appealing to the masses rather than simply combat, which was a weakness of hers, and convinced even the nobles to support her, something her father failed to do. She is regarded as the beauty of her age, despite not having any of the Wizard's blood. Through unorthodox methods, she managed to usurp both Xbox and PlayStation in one foul swoop.

Nintendo Wii U: The Son of Wii. He grew up as the prince and was unopposed for years before the arrivals of the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One. Despite being an avid student of past wars, specifically the second battle of Xbox and PlayStation. He failed to use his knowledge to his advantage and lost the support of both the nobles and the masses. He recently lost the throne to PlayStation 4.

Sony PlayStation 4 aka PS4: The daughter of PlayStation, Grand Daughter of Sony, Student of the Arcane Arts of PC, and the first to be born with the Wizard's blood. Similar to Wii, she grew up in poverty after her father lost the throne. However, she trained from a young age in the art of combat, politics, and utilizing her PC powers in order to restore family's honor. She also desires to heal her ailing grandmother, rather than callously abandon her family as some Regulars have suggested. However, unlike her predecessors, she lacks resentment of the Nintendo Family or the Xbox Family and instead is determined to reclaim the throne. Due to her PC blood, she possess an unearthly beauty, but she prefers to resort to conventional tactics rather than utilize her feminine wiles. Although she never claimed to fight for the masses, her sincerity has slowly been swaying attention more in her favor.

Microsoft Xbox One aka XB1: The daughter of Xbox, Student of the Arcane Arts of PC, she was the second to be born with the Wizard's blood. Perplexed by the beauty of the Wii, she focused much of her attention on that, utilizing her Wizard Blood, to reach angelic level of beauty. Similar to the Wii, she attempts to use her beauty to sway the masses, but not only have they not responded, but she is starting to lose the support of regulars who had supported her father prior. In fact, the regulars forced her to modify her vision and compete more conventionally against PlayStation 4, who was more proficient in the field. Determined to succeed where her predecessors failed however, she is adamant to claim the throne.

Nintendo DS aka DS: The Son of 64, the Twin Brother of Wii, and the Half-Nephew of PlayStation. Rather than fighting for the throne he decided to continue the legacy of his grand-uncle, the Gameboy Advance and dominate the lesser realm. While less innovative then his sister, he was creative in his own right and defeated PSP, the younger brother of PlayStation, in the battle for this realm.

PlayStation Portable aka PSP: The second son of Sony. Much younger than his elder brother, PSP decided to make a name for himself by conquering the lesser realm that Gameboy Advance had established. Unfortunately for him, DS managed to oppose him and hold on to the realm.

Nintendo 3DS aka 3DS: The son of DS. He had a rough childhood, but managed to continue on his father's legacy despite losing some support from the Masses.

PlayStation Vita aka Vita: The son of PSP. As part of a branch family, he attempted to establish a foothold in the lesser realm. Despite the support of Playstation 4, Vita lacks popularity, even though his friends strongly support him. It is unlikely that he will gain significant ground in the lesser realm, but like his Uncle, he possess great passion.


Lord of The Gaming: The Fifth Revenge - {please be excite}

Lord of The Gaming: Return of the Seventh Oracle - {please be excite}

Lord of The Gaming: The Aether of Eight - {please be excite}


Poll?: Maybe

Art?: Please make some

Release schedule?: see title

Criticism?: Please do

Point of Thread?: Boredom

tl;dr?: Movie comes out in 2015 followed by an Anime Holiday 2015

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank