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I wouldn't play the game even when they offered me to play as an imperial with the beta invite, the third beta invite I rejected. Its just a Wow Clone Elder Scrolls theme park.
If you are satisfied with Wow, and standard mmo fair you'll might like it if you can overlook the crappy quality. Those looking for a different experience will be solely dissapointed.
The game is static as fuck, and the binary quests are a joke, all the races are jokes because imperial is the definitive best end of story.
The highlight of the game, FemShep trades places with a generic wizard who you never hear from again.

You can't be a WOW killer if you are a WOW clone, you'll just get killed.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank