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DélioPT said:

Being more vocal now is easier but doesn`t mean that the brand wars didn`t have a big weight before. The internet just made it more visible.

I think the "my console is better than yours" goes back further that you think. I have been hearing that argument ever since the SNES and Genesis/MD days.
To me it`s nothing new. It just seems worse because it`s more widespread now than ever before.

All i was saying is that MS fans aren`t experiencing anything new. Is it on a different scale? Yes. But it`s nothing new.

Before the internet however, the brand wars were not relevant, at least from the consumer point of view. Consoles were not mainstream back then.

It was only because of advertising that media had any invovement with brands, today we have entire sites dedicated to fanbases, trolling of those fanbases, and making objective comparisons between consoles to satisfy those fanbases just because of the Console War. it is a different beast regardless if it originated from fans in pre-6th gen.

The first console war was incited by the companies, now its the community who is propogating it.

The scale makes it different.

Was anybody even tracking the og Xbox at the time? It was established fact at that point that PS2 owned gaming in 6th gen, nobody even considered otherwise. There were no reasonable expectations that the Xbox was going to somehow sell tens of millions of consoles monthly in its short life with a higher price, no company would be able to make that many consoles anyway.

Ultimately, its your opinion, whether or not MS fans are used to losing which I find ludicrous considering Last Gen happened.

They might be two similar wars but they are not the same, they took advantage of different tensions and where incited by different reasons.

CWI was incited by the companies making PR claims such as Blast Processing and the works, and exploited the lack of technical knowledge of the mainstream and buyers remorse.

CWII was incited by the communities expectations for 7th and 8th Gen, the advent of social media that allowed the community to be vocal, and the media outlets who magnify the exposure of gaming news illiciting a response from the community. It exploits buyers remorse as well but the avaliability of information thanks to the internet and social media.

Just like WWI and WWII, were not just the same war at different scale, the same holds for CWI and CWII.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank