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rukusa said:

- Oh please, suddenly these words are forbidden or black listed in discussions? If you cant handle the use of them ignore them instead of trying lecture me about how advance a discussion. You should be prepared for the possibility that some one may use that/those words in the context of the discussion instead of lecturing on how inappropriate it is according to one self.

-Overall I can largely agree with your context there but I still stand by my perspective. All Im saying is that I would love to see the Wii do better, but right now its underperforming its potential. The same of course applies to the PS3.

-Please point out the moment I called some one out for being a fanboy (which I assume you mean in response to my last reply). I avoid using that word as much as possible.


*There is no doubt in my mind that Monster Hunter III and Fatal Frame will be fantastic, but it remains questionable on how they will perform in Japan.

sorry about that forgot to include the no, just to precent any misunderstanding. Im looking much forward to Fatal Frame and Monster Hunter.

1) Its not that I wasn´t prepared for something like that, I just told you it doesn´t make you look very good in a discussion. Actually, if we were to have a political discussion I´d just have to lean back and let you commit suicide to win it. Just wanted to point it out. Its not like we are enemies or something

2) I agree, the Wii is underperforming in 3rd party sales but as I said this is at least partly due to the fact that 3rd party efforts on the Wii haven´t been as big as on PS3 or 360. 

3) You didn´t call anybody a fanboy but you also didn´t read my post carefully - I said I don´t like it when people say the others are looking for excuses. Look our discussion went that way: You gave a statement, I said I don´t agree and gave you some points why I don´t. But instead of answering or prove me wrong you keep saying I´m looking for excuses so you don´t have to answer directly. Now follow my advice and give me some prove for your point. Show me Japan-centric games for the Wii that should´ve sold very well and didn´t. If you show me some of those games I promise I´ll collect a list with games that were later ported to another platform and sold bad because they´ve been released late. Just look at all the games ported from Xbox 360 to PS3: Oblivion and Lost Planet for example. Or think of Mortal Combat on SNES / Genesis which sold worse on the SNES because it didn´t feature blood. Fact is: If a game is releases simultaneously on two consoles the superior version often sells better and if a game is firstly released on one console and later on a second one, the version that was firstly released often sells better. In the case of PES in Japan the game was released later aswell as the inferior version. There you go. No excuses, just facts.