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rukusa said:

- Launching very late or not is absolutely a weak arguement aswell . If the userbase is there as it is claimed to be the sales should've completely overshadowed the PS3 counterpart. I mean come on guys, youre all over how many more Wii consoles have been sold in Japan. The sold consoles should've and extreme difference. Where is it?

So now you move on from "mediocre 3rd party games" to being "unproven franchises". Com'on.

I didnt think the some Wii owners would resort to excuses. This just shows that both PS3 owners and Wii owners are getting VERY protective over their situation in Japan. And this goes to show that both groups are trying to "guillotine" each for their own lack luster performances on both sides.

  Launching very late is one of the best arguments why sales of a game fell short of expectations - if you want, I can give you a list of games for the 5th, 6th and 7th gen that have firstly been released on one platform and later on another one and sold less on the second platform. Would this be enough prove for you? Additionally, nobody is trying to find any excuses here, it is just an explanation. Just because we are talking about the Wii doesn´t change the situation in any way.