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These people act like last gen didn't happen.
If they did they would be worried for XB1 future exclusive line up, Even this year is looking sort of sparse, 4 maybe 5 exclusive triple A's?
Just because XB1 had 3 launch exclusives vs 2 PS4 Launch exclusives and im deliberately not counting Resogun, now it looks like XB has more of exclusive focus than PS? Get your head out of #the_cloud. I've got 9+ years on PS3 that says otherwise, hell persona 5 is going PS3, hopefully ported to PS4, like P4Golden was to Vita

I understand your view point though, to the Xbox Faithful, it must look like they are really trying, but I'm sorry Xbox is late to the party. No way in hell, they are catching up to PS4 by giving free games away on 360 and TitanFall Lol...

Its not impossible, but XB1 has never been first and it looks like this time around they have to fight to just get the uk and us back

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank