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J_Allard said:
I thought Infamous would sell more. Established franchise exclusive to the platform with a higher userbase versus online only title and a new IP multiplatform. I am not shocked the Xbone version alone is killing it after playing the complete game, it's a fucking masterpiece. I wish PS4 gamers could join me in FPS heaven and shed their Battlezone of Duty shackles.

April fools huh?

~And before I get banned for "flamebaiting"

Don't you think your intentions are quite transparent?

 I wish PS4 gamers could join me in FPS heaven and shed their Battlezone of Duty shackles.

This right here assumes that 6mill+ people who bought a PS4 don't own a last gen 360, X1, or PC.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank