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LiquorandGunFun said:

I dont even count nintendoland, it was a bundle game all the way. Im surprised by Zombie U as much as people talked it up, I would figure it would have sold closer to a million. Plus Tomb Raider DE isnt even listed, that sucks.

Edit: After some more thought I guess I would count nintendoland, I just never seen it sold bytiself not in a bundle with wiiu.

The problem with excluding games that are bundled is that not all bundled games are bundled all the time (see Wii Sports), and some games are bundled for short periods of time or only in certain circumstances (see Knack).

Ultiamtely, I decided that making this a Top 20 would provide enough information so that even with a couple of bundle-heavy games, a lot of non-bundled info is still available. That said, I might expand this list to a Top 30 or even 50 if the generation demands it and/or if I get the time to do so.