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Goatseye said:

It's like paying to play online was a sacrilege last year and this year is ok.

It's hard to take you folks seriously...

No. It is still a sacrilege. AND I KNOW EXACTLY WHY THEY DID IT.

Goatseye said:

 I got better stuff to do than read a conspiracy-theoy-wall-of-nonsense.

Ads never hindered my experience but frequent network hiccups did.

Why do I have to spell it out for you?!

THE REASON WE PAY FOR MULTIPLAYER WITH PS+ IS BECAUSE XBOX HAS BEEN GETTING AWAY WITH IT SINCE 2006, AND THE XBOX CONSUMER IS LETTING THEM GET AWAY WITH IT! IN 2001, it was justifiable cause it was unique to Xbox. But in 2006, when the competition had free online, Xbox wasn't giving away free games, and when PS+ was released, they still didn't do it. It was only when PS+ was made mandatory that Xbox decided to care.

And its because of Xbox Consumer's that I have to pay for Multiplayer. Sony sat there in a crumbling house, starring at the money to fix it just lying on the table for 7 years. While Xbox had no qualms about sticking their hands into your pockets.

If Xbox had got away with DRM, I guarantee the idea of game resells and trading games would be ancient history. I've seen this sh1t coming ever since my OG Xbox. Shenmue 2, JSRF, Sega GT, Halo, Turok, Sonic Mega Collection, I had a ton of gaming fun on that thing, when my controllers broke I didn't hesitate to buy more, and my hdd was filled up with music and game saves. And then I would praise Xbox for using HDD rather than memory cards like the competitor. I wanted XBL but I didn't need it so I didn't get it. But ever since they abandoned it, I knew that Xbox doesn't give a ratass about their consumers, and every single time something negative comes out of Xbox with regards to their consumers, I can't even act suprised.

So go right on ahead, continue to defend this bullshit. When the standard for gaming becomes ads, fees, fees to remove ads don't be suprised.

Xbox ignoring their userbase is just common operating procedure at this point.

I can't stand by and let this shit happen, because I've already seen the effects of what happens when nobody gets angry. Fuck console allegiances, this is gamers looking out for gamers. Cause eventually I'm going to I already have to put up with the shit that I left behind with the Xbox 360. 

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank