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Goatseye said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Goatseye said:
X1 is not just a gaming machine, period.
Xbox Live is a service provided by MS and similar services like cable services, you get adverts.
You pay Southwest to transport you, you get to see adverts. You get in a bus you see adverts, you pay ticket to the movies you see adverts.

The last gaming machine was the Gamecube, every console since then has done more, and even the PS1 played audio CDs.

Defend the adverts all you want, but don't be suprised when this is what the future of gaming becomes. Sony already has a patent on in game video ads similar to that of mobile devices. So when gameplay is interupted by ads don't be suprised when the response you recieve is, "Gaming is a Service".

You guys pay for a gaming service. It's called PS+, if you don't pay for it monthly yo won't game. That's a perfect example of "Gaming is a Service" and most of you folks here are enamoured with it.

And tell me why do you think PS+ came into existence? And Why did they make it pay for multiplayer?

Here is a hint:

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

 Fair Point.

I do believe Microsoft is unfairly demonized, but as one could see in, I also believe that Microsoft Xbox gets away with a lot more than its competitors with regards to their respective fanbases, and this politcal ad buisness, which isn't new, and I doubt exclusive to Xbox, should be a point of irritation rather than another thing in the long list of things that have been ignored by MS Xbox's consumers. As OP stated, even if it wasn't MS, it should be seen as a negative, and I'm sure if it wasn't it would blow up albiet for a small period but much more significantly, seeing the reaction to discovery of KZ:SF MP's rendering technique despite the fact that how something is rendered isn't included in resolution which is just display output. People were ready with pitchforks chanting "Sony lied!" about something they{The people} didn't even understand about the rendering technique of a Game Developed by a Second Party studio, but the direct statement from Microsoft about political ads on the XB1, when ads where a signifcant issue of X360's later interface, gets passed off as "not a big deal". And then, when the PS5 is released and the UI is full of ads because the XB1 got away with it, those same people who said its "not a big deal" will be the first ones claiming how Sony (The Failing Company) is greedy and will wonder why they would dare do such a thing. Meanwhile, Microsoft (The company not endanger of failing) gets excuses for why its not using its vast resources to fund more dev studios then Sony.

So yeah.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank