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Goatseye said:
X1 is not just a gaming machine, period.
Xbox Live is a service provided by MS and similar services like cable services, you get adverts.
You pay Southwest to transport you, you get to see adverts. You get in a bus you see adverts, you pay ticket to the movies you see adverts.

The last gaming machine was the Gamecube, every console since then has done more, and even the PS1 played audio CDs.

Defend the adverts all you want, but don't be suprised when this is what the future of gaming becomes. Sony already has a patent on in game video ads similar to that of mobile devices. So when gameplay is interupted by ads don't be suprised when the response you recieve is, "Gaming is a Service".

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank