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J_Allard said:

1. I already understand you can make excuses for Sony, there's no need to show it off in this thread. Yes, lots of stuff gets hacked in the online world. How many from huge corporations like Sony due to sheer ignorance and negligence? It's not hard. The point is, if they actually had no idea their security was so weak, that's just as bad as knowing it is and doing nothing about it. That's how the real world works, friend.

2. So you have no answer. Thanks.

3. Your list is laughable and selective. See, this is the point. You're making all these claims and opinions on things, but others could do the exact same thing for you. For example, you put "blu ray player" on PS3, but "mandatory kinect" on Xbone. Why? Because you view one better than the other. Makes the whole list not even really worth responding to, I outgrew list wars on GameFAQS back on my Dreamcast.

4. LOL uh.. what? These people bitching online about the policies are the same people not preordering the console. Again, it's not hard.

5. Yet they didn't get away with it.

6. Thanks, I can just paste the #5 response here and it applies perfectly. Yet they didn't get away with it.

Not going to bother responding any more, cool opinions broseph but what you're basically saying is company fans are company fans but in typical company fan fashion you're trying to make one side look worse than the other. It's funny to read.

No, you don't get it. You think this is just some fanboy sh1t that you are used to. I'm not attacking Microsoft, I'm pointing out how Xbox Fans, and I won't generalize it to the mainstream gamer, but they do tolerate the intolerable from Microsoft. How can you hold Sony more responsible for the PSN hack then the RROD, when one was unintentional.

Everytime a thread like this gets posted, I have yet to see any posts from Xbox Fans that aren't excuses.

Why not? Get Mad.

I'm glad that someone got angry about getting shafted 4 months in because the more people that get mad, then more Microsoft will be held accountable, but you want to sit here and explain to me how these people shouldn't be mad and should expect what they get. RRODers shouldn't get compensated for Microsoft's failures? Why not just throw a 1000 points on to their gamer score or a free xbla game even. Its depressing that when I claimed that RRODers desrved to get something, you couldn't even fathom the thought of Microsoft giving something as a courtesy for their faults, and asked me. Then when I pointed out the fact that you couldn't and that in itself is evident of you being so tolerable of the stuff that Microsoft/Xbox gets away with, you instead focus on the fact that I didn't give you an answer for the compensation that Microsoft should have given RRODers. Xbox has no qualms about screwing over its consumers because the DRM/E3/Always-On-Gate was the only time that Microsoft Xbox faced enough opposition to reconsider their plans. If they thought that their would be significant consumer outrage, they are smart enough to not have announced it all. Then even after the E3 reaction, Xbox wasn't taking consumers seriously. Only when preorders decreased/canceled did they change their policies. 

I'm not saying to boycott Xbox, I'm arguing that Xbox Fans need to hold them accountable. The Nitendo Fans are just now realizing it, you can get mad at Xbox and still be a fan of Xbox. And I don't understand how you don't realize that Xbox doesn't have the same limitations that Playstation or Nintendo, and yet its vying for Second right now. Xbox is never giving even 60% of there effort, its always just good enough with them, never lets do our best. 

Xbox: Welp we've stolen the market leader's marketshare in the US (which = the world) and brought them down to second place. Mission Accomplished.

And you want to argue that Xbox is held to the same standard as PlayStation or Nintendo?

mochachino said:
Xbox division will always burn an it's strongest supporters because they allow it and are constantly tolerate being walked all over.

That is exactly what I'm talking about.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank