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MentalAlliance said:

Given Final Fantasy XV's cinematic aspect, I honestly think it would perform better on Xbox One than Wii U sales-wise (not to mention the level of downgrading needed to get Final Fantasy XV to run on the Wii U, if that's even possible for their vision). But there's definitely an argument for Kingdom Hearts III (aside from their shaders that might not be as easily doable on Wii U, I dunno) . Kingdom Hearts has been on Nintendo and Playstation platforms quite equally, even if the major titles ownly appeared on PS, so I think that makes sense, but Xbox has never seen KH even once, not even the HD collections, so it's a little strange. So yeah Kingdom Hearts III makes more sense on Wii U than Xbox One for the most part, but I don't think that's the case with Final Fantasy XV.

Either way, both franchises are very closely tied to Playstation consoles, so if anyone is a fan of them like myself, then they'd likely be getting a PS4 anyway.

The problem with that reasoning is the exact same issue as saying Titanfall is exclusive to Microsoft Platforms.
Nintendo's Consoles sales have never exceeded their Hardware sales. The only one to come close was the Wii.

Furthermore, this is the first time a Kingdom Hearts game is ever being (directly ported) to a platform its wasn't developed for. Assuming that it will be ported from PS4 to XB1. Thus just because there is a handheld audience, does not mean there is a console audience. Therefore, in a very similar if not exact same situation the XB1 is considering a KHIII port.

The only valid dependency on whether the game is ported to Wii U is expected profits vs porting costs, and it is a nonsequitur KH handheld presence gives it the same presence on Nintendo's consoles.

In fact, considering that the Nintendo has had the handheld majority since its inception and that there has never been a official handheld xbox, one could reasonably argue that a vast majority of Xbox Owners who also have hand helds have owned one made by Nintendo. In fact, Kingdom Hearts has been on every handheld that has been released since Kingdom Hearts 1, with the exception of the Vita.

Therefore, Xbox Console owners had the exact same access to KH as Nintendo Console owners in regards to handhelds, and regardless of whether or not they had a PlayStation to play the Numbered Games.

In order to play any KH Game with the exception of Chi (which is on PC, but isn't made by SE), You would need to have had a PS2, PS3, PSP, GBA, DS, or 3DS/2DS

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