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Zero999 said:

The onus is on you to convince me you're right and you're doing a terrible job at it.

WE ALREADY know that wii u is a financially viable console and has all the hardware it needs to get versions of multiplatforms. this isn't a discussion.

Well my first bit of proof will be in the form of The Caped Crusader.

1 Batman: Arkham City WiiU 2012 Action Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment 0.10 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.20
2 Batman: Arkham Origins WiiU 2013 Action Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment 0.11 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.15

Followed by a distinct lack of Batman: Arkham Knight which is completely avoiding the Wii U.

Now this means one of two things - Either the Batman games on Wii U havent been successful or the Wii U isnt powerful enough to handle the game. There is one more elephant in the room though: The lack of PS3 and 360 versions of the game. Arkham Asylum, Arkham City and Arkham Origins all sold really well on PS360 (theyre all multi-million sellers), so the only real reason would be that the systems cant handle the title. The same would then also apply for Wii U.

After this Im gonna point you towards an interview.

Nintendo of America's Head of Corporate Communications had this to say -

"We're confident that once some of these games come out that we have planned between now and the holiday and into 2014, that it will help drive the install base and when that happens the platforms will look more enticing to third parties."

That means that a guy from Nintendo has directly said that the Wii U userbase is too small. 3rd parties want it to grow before they commit support. It was followed up by Frank Gibeau from EA, who had this to say about Wii U -

"It's just not selling because there's no boxes."

"If it becomes a viable platform from an audience standpoint, we'll jump back in."

There you have someone from Nintendo and someone from EA in agreement that the system simply doesnt have the audience to entice 3rd parties to develop for it. Someone from a 3rd party publisher directly saying the Wii U isnt a viable platform for them.

Now Im tempted to point you towards some 3rd party bombs on Wii U since launch, but I had this discussion with Mr Khan a few days ago and Im not in the mood to go through it all again. Ill repost what I put to Mr Khan a few days back -

Carl2291 said: 

ZombiU failed to profit. Splinter Cell tanked hard. Call of Duty did nothing special. Assassin's Creed did nothing special. FIFA bombed. Batman did nothing special. Deus Ex bombed. Need for Speed bombed. Tekken bombed. Mass Effect bombed. Sonic Lost World bombed. Ninja Gaiden bombed. Walking Dead bombed. Scribblenauts bombed. Rabbids bombed. Your Shape bombed. Madden bombed. 

EA completely stopped development on Wii U because there was no money to be made. 3rd parties put the big, blockbuster franchises on Wii U and they simply didnt sell. 3rd parties put the small, niche titles on Wii U and they simply didnt sell. Nintendo software is sturggling to sell. 

Its incompetance on the part of Nintendo for a) thinking another underpowered console with a gimmick controller would be okay and b) for not being ready to deal with the incoming droughts that all new consoles face. PS4 and Xbox One are both getting similar support in 2014 that Wii U had. Look at whats released so far.


Carl2291 said:

It doesnt matter whos fault it is that a game does well, all that matters is how well the game does. The bottom line is it didnt profit.

Splinter Cell sold over 700k on PS3 and almost 800k on 360, opposed to 50k on Wii U. It sold over 250k Week 1 on 360 and 180k Week 1 on PS3. It sold 18k Week 1 on Wii U. It didnt tank hard everywhere.

Those CoD sales werent expected and to simply say "expected" is extremely silly. In 10 Weeks, Blops 2 only managed 150,000 units. In 10 Week, Ghosts only managed 122k. This is terrible for Call of Duty when even the "gimped", as you say, Vita title managed 900k (590k in 10W) and outsold both WiiU titles combined.

AC wasnt expected to tank like it did. AC3 did 106k after 10 Weeks and AC4 did 117k after 10 Weeks. Both did 240k and 150k lifetime so far. Ill use the Vita as an example here again. AC3:L on Vita did over 500k after 10 Weeks, over 900k lifetime.

FIFA being a roster update could be used over and over again for each FIFA since 12. That said, there was no FIFA 12 on Wii U. Furthermore, the Wii releases were always only roster updates and considerably outperformed FIFA 13 Wii U. FIFA 13 Wii U sold 142k lifetime, while FIFA 14 Wii sold over 200,000 units in 10 Weeks alone. The game tanked. Thats all to be said.

Batman did nothing special. By this I mean it didnt sell very well. 200k for an established, popular franchise isnt very good. That said, this was a later port so it gets a bit of leeway and a "nothing special" instead of a "tank". Origins is looking to outperform it.

Deus Ex may not have been asked for but it was there. It was picking up the slack as you put it. Even then 40,000 units lifetime is abysmal.

Need for Speed bombed. Thats all that needs to be said.

Tekken isnt the only valid one out of the bunch at all.

Mass Effect bombed. Thats all that needs to be said.

Sonic Lost World on Wii U doesnt get to have Sonic Lost World on 3DS sell for it Khan. While it may be a tad too early to call a bomb, its not had the best of openings.

All Ninja Gaiden 3 data is down simply as NG3, for every platform including Wii U. The point Im going to make though is that NG3 on Wii U sold ~50k lifetime. NG3 on PS3 sold 65k in a Week. NG3 360 sold 50k in 2 Weeks. They are at 360k and 210k lifetime, respectively.

Walking Dead sold 50k units on Wii U. It did 18k in 10 Weeks. Its a bomb. It sold over 300k on PS3 and over 400k on 360, those may be bomb numbers... But the game still bombed. It doesnt matter how it did on other platforms.

Scribblenauts Id actually agree with after going over the data again. Respectable Wii U numbers for the game considering its been primarily a handheld franchise.

Rabbids bombed. Thats all that needs to be said.

Your Shape bombed. But this isnt all that needs to be said though. It wasnt sent out to die at all. The Wii version sold over 2 Million. The 360 versions both sold over a Million. This was a consistant Million selling franchise that Ubisoft took seriously Khan, yet the Wii U game they did has sold less than 50,000 units lifetime.

Madden bombed, thats all that needed to be said.

Im gonna add on one more bomb - Injustice: Gods Among Us. 80,000 lifetime on Wii U. 240k Week 1 on PS3. 290k Week 1 on 360. 210k lifetime on PS4 (late port)

The piss poor sales numbers tell us that 3rd party publishers are finding little to no love on Wii U. The lack of games releasing on the console tell us that 3rd party publishers are finding little to no love on Wii U. The lack of DLC releasing for certain games on Wii U tells us that the games arent selling well enough to warrant releasing DLC on the platform.

The facts are telling us that the Wii U simply isnt an attractive platform for 3rd parties to develop for. Be it for power reasons or financial reasons. 

Next, Im going to point you towards future support for Gen 8 consoles. Lets list a few announced 3rd party titles that will be missing Wii U. Some of them are even on Gen 7 hardware.

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Final Fantasy XV
Kingdom Hearts 3
Batman: Arkham Knight
The Division
The Elder Scrolls Online
Final Fantasy XIV
The Witcher 3
The Crew
Kingdom Under Fire 2
Rainbow Six: Patriots
Mad Max
Shadow of Mordor
Sleeping Dogs: Triad Wars
EA Sports UFC
Wolfenstein: The New Order
The Evil Within
Star Wars Battlefront

Probably more that I missed out, but you get the point. Every single one of these games is missing Wii U despite releasing on PS4 and/or Xbox One. This tells us a few things, most notably that either the Wii U isnt worth the time, effort or resources to develop for or that the Wii U isnt powerful enough to handle said videogame. There is no other reason at all why a multiplat would be missing outside of silly consipracy theories.

Sales. Hard, cold facts are telling us that the Wii U isnt a viable platform for 3rd party publishers.

This was probably pointless as I can already guess your exact reply. Still, it kept me quite sane while England were being shit at football.