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1. Final Fantasy IX- While the gameplay wasn't anything innovative, it was still pretty good, the story/characters are still my favorite in the entire FF franchise and the soundtrack is also damn  awesome! Too bad Square Enix treats the FF franchise nowadays  in the same way  a man treats his whores.. ( with zero respect)

2. Resident Evil 4- This game is NOT the downfall of the RE franchise, people. Yes, the camera and controls were improved to make it feel more like an action game, but it still has the scary atmosphere and moments you know. The main reason I like RE4 is simply how new it felt at the time. RE4 also influenced Gears of War, Grand Theft Auto, Ratchet and Clank and other franchises. Resident Evil 5 however is another story for another time! :)

3. Super Mario Galaxy- It's Mario...............IN SPACE! So damn awesome!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---