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endimion said:
^they don't have to do anything

what angry customer gonna do??? Go on strike??? Stop playing??? We are not even 5% of the potential user base

and I'm not angry anyway... I'm all for more market share for my console of choice... Because it should mean more 3rd party support...

now I don't think a price cut is necessary, just some bundles with big launch games and other goodies should do the trick for a while... Do one with KSR, one for TF, maybe a live one with 12 months XBL and an extra pad and charger kit

one thing that could be killer is to do XBL plans... Give the XBOX one free with a 2year XBL plan at $/month.. Or get an XBox one for $100 and 2 year xbl plan at $20/months... Now that could work (not sure what would be the perception of such bundle, but I were an Impatient broke student for example, I'd go for it)

Microsoft wouldn't be able to manufacturer and ship that many consoles, and unless the retailers were getting any paid, they wouldn't do it either so it would have to be out of microsoft stores. They would lose billions of dollars and before XBL could break it even, investors would pull support en masse. In the best case, scenario Xbox would be sold off.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank