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The production cost of the PS4 is 381$, taking into account shipping and handling. Its probably a small loss. A purchase of ps+ for a month or at the very least a game is enough for it to be profitable. As for the R&D cost, it should be cheaper than the ps3 by a long shot since its using modified PC architecture, and can also be made up with playstation plus. PS3 is profitable, thus PlayStation is probably posting minimal loss if not profit.
The 1.1 billion loss projection is all of Sony, save for the TV and sold off vaio division, Sony is showing some profit.
Basically, Sony is in a better position than it has been in the last 9 years so if you're hoping for it to go bankrupt, I wouldn't hold your breath.

As for Nintendo, sure the wii u is losing money, the 3ds might be losing it too but I doubt it. Regardless, Nintendo has less operating costs than Sony. So the Wii and DS made a lot of profit for them, and there previous consoles have been profitable. Granted a PS3 fiasco would be worse for them because they don't have nearly as many assets to sell off and its would be there primary mode of profit, but even then they could TANK the damage with there Cash HP. So they wouldn't need as much of a restructure. However, the diminishing console market is the worst for Nintendo because they don't have the digital prowess of the other two.

Microsoft makes a small fraction of money from Xbox, which is more of a long term investment for them. They profit mostly on industrial contracts and Windows.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank