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Riachu said:
hunter_alien said:
Riachu said:
hunter_alien said:
No , in general ... in the SNES era it was a console seller , while now its just a hardcore cult game ... it was waht now are games like MGS or the 2 GoWs :P

Castlevania can be as popular as God of War if not MGS if the series can finally make a 3D game that is a true must buy. LoI and CoD were improvements over the N64 installments but they were best to rent than to buy.Igarashi said that he wants to make a truly great 3D castlevania and said it would most likely be on the 360 and the PS3 too if the installbase increases substantially

And that will probably never happen . The closest a Castlevania , at least a great one , can get to 3D is similar to what DXC offered . Unfortunatly untill Castlevania games will stay under the million mark they will never be considered as console sellers , just as decent or good performers ... MGS and GoW are allready proven 3D franchises , and unfortunatly thats what most gamers want this days ( yes , I admit , me to ) ...


PS : when I sayed GoWs I meant God of War and Gears of Wars :P

None of the 3D Castlevanias were great due to rushed production more than to the laws of nature

 Well thats partailly true ... but in the same time the entire concept was bad to :(

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