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Lets be objective here.
Xbox 1 has Forza, DR3, and Peggle 2 on this list while PS4 has Resogun and Killzone Shadow Fall.
Going off of this list, the ps4 has less exclusives over 70 but clearly has the multiplatform review preference. Its a perfect role reversal, like the 360 its the console for multiplatform, while XB1 has more higher rated exclusives similar to the PS3. However, this is only at launch. Until XB develops more exclusives ips rather buying exclusivity they are doing exactly what they did in the 360 generation. In contrast, PS4 is doing exactly what the ps3 did with the exception of x86-64 hw and competitive pricepoint.
Those who got a 360 for multiplats are likely to get a PS4.
Those who got a 360 for its exclusives are likely to get an XB1
Those who got a PS3 for its multiplats are likely to get a PS4
Those who got a PS4 for its exclusives are likely to get a PS4

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank