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Cj2i3 said:

I mean the hardware is nice and all but no point in being awe struck about whats inside the system if you have nothing notable to play.
So yes Xbox One owners are definitely pay more money for more things. Than they have to shell out even more money for all those freaking triple A exclusives that the Xbone has acquired. 

Such as?

Option- said:
Hm, actually... The xo offers more value for your money. You get live gold games on 360 (viva pinata, halo 3 etc) and above all you now have to pay for psn ololoololol!!1

You also get ryse which looks stellar in 900/25 next gen madness!1

Sarcasm over the internet?

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank