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Zero999 said:

It's not like the others are fine either. people conveniently forget the others only have thief untill the end of march, where they will get titanfall/ infamous. then there's a drought untill watch dogs releases, wich could even be in june. and after that, the next big release is in september, destiny.

Im not so sure its that simple. Not just because youre ignoring a number of games, but also because PS4/One are still in the baby steps. I think PS4 will continue to sell based on hype alone way into April at least. Its had one "meaningful" release since launch, with Tomb Raider, and its still sold out.

Big games are going to be few and far between for the new systems until the holidays because the userbases on each console arent exactly capable of carrying a huge seller at this stage and in the summer Months. What we are naturally going to get is filler titles, to keep interest at a stable level until things ramp up for the Holidays. This happens with near enough every console launch, but  these filler titles will be releasing and the droughts arent as bad as you make them out to be.

Kinect Sports
Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare
MGS Ground Zeroes
MLB The Show
TES Online
Watch Dogs
The Amazing Spiderman 2
Dynasty Warriors 8

Thats off the top of my head. I may be wrong on some, and I may have missed some. List has games for both PS4 and Xbox One.

Again, these baby steps rarely if ever have the huge system selling titles. They have filler titles that are simply there to keep the console somewhat in the eye of the mainstream. Keep advertising flowing with fresh titles, even if a fair few of them are trash. These consoles still have the "new" persona, whereas the Wii U is now an established console thats experiencing long droughts, while the competition are breaking records left and right. Totally different situations.