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Once upon a time the soldiers of the Evil Lord fought the biggest war of their life's holding the Alford's words...

"The time arrived for our people be the King of the world. We are strong like never were and the gold is in our side. The new world will be dominated by the black boxes."

After several humiliations in the first battles and pressure of their own people the Evil lord claimed...

"We lost another battle but we beloved US kingdom will be always in our side. This is our country, US kingdom is the world."

The war changed... the Evil Lord holder his words until the launch battle that culminates in another humiliation. From these times to today the war changed and thee Evil King accepted the domintation of Play King, the conqueror, and after be subjulged in his own country his words started to be more like...

"I'm surprised we are so close in US kingdom"

Acceptance is the first step to survived in the changed war.

UPDATED: Map to people understand the situation.