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fps_d0minat0r said:
I would rather have Sony spend money on first party exclusives than wasting it keeping multiplatform games off other systems.

...and making conclusions on games this early? have people forgotten last gen already?

Yep...Sony started off slower than Microsoft because they focused on making their own games and outpaced Microsoft because Microsoft's development only focused on a handful of three or four core titles with one new IP that they kept going. (Fable, Forza, Gears, Halo &Crackdown) in a two year window. Sony re-entered with old and quite a few new titles. It will take time but they will do it again. Until then Microsoft will once more buy up the third party real estate to get peoples attentions focused on them. We all know how its going to go because Microsoft gameplan is no different. Buying Gears just brought them back to status quo level as the competitive console seeing that Epic wasn't so hot about making another Gears before their new IP. Microsoft just bought themselves back into the same position they were in 2006. They re-enter with an unearthed rare title and pay capcom for another exclusive Dead Rising game. They got EA to make sure Titanfall stayed exclusive after months of fans speculating about the multiplat status of Titanfall. Its looking exactly like the 360 era. Sony is looking more different than the PS3 era, so they are a bit harder to gauge. Their developmental game this generation is looking different compared to even last gen. I dont know yet whether to say its good or bad, but they just dont have Microsofts initial hype level. Microsoft knows how to get a party started and keep it going for a little while, but if you're not self sufficient (hence why they had to buy gears off of Epic) and it looks like their black tusk game was going nowhere we wont even be seeing that FPS for a while or even at all this gen.