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 We are here to predict, aren´t we? So why not predict fictional markets? This one is about EA making a console, what a great fictional market to start, isn´t it?


So... There are some rumours about EA making a console in 2010 and while I don´t think it will happen I like thinking about this scenario a lot. What do ou think the market would look like if EA bought Take Two and released a console?


Here are my thoughts:


America: EA is popular in the US, but I wouldn´t expect it to get a lot of the pie - 10 million units is the best number I can think of - 7.5 million is more realistic, though. 

Europe: Soccer is popular in Europe but Madden and others aren´t over here - so I´d go with 5 million units as a maximum in Europe / Others.

 Japan: If you thought Xbox numbers were bad, wait for an EA console to be released in Japan. It would probably sell about 10 units a week and get less than 0.1% market share -  somehow funny to think of

 Worldwide this would be a maximum of 12.5 million consoles sold and Jeez, even that is high! On the other hand... EA would go bankrupt if they released a console, right? 


What is more interesting, though, is how this would effect the other manufacturers:

Nintendo - erm, well... I´d expect Nintendo to lose exactly 10 units of sales over a 5 year period. Those 10 units are EA execs not wanting to help their competitiors... otherwise, I´d rather see Nintendo gaining sales because Sony and Microsoft would lose games people would rather buy on their consoles.

Sony - The PS brand would clearly lose some sales but not that much. I´d say maybe 3 million units in the US as the platform would be less attractive while Nintendo wouldn´t be affected that much and maybe 2.5 million units in Europe and exactly 1294 units in Japan (I can´t tell you why, unfortunately, I am under embargo).

Microsoft - Well, Microsoft would be the most effected I think - 5 million in the US and 2 million in Europe, maybe. Was the 360 released in Japan already?


So, what are your thoughts? Give me some market analysis even Patcher wouldn´t dream of!