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johnlucas said:
pezus said:

What is your main prediction for WiiU then? All that text and I still don't see your prediction.

People in the future will see you as a big Nintendo fan who likes to write essays about them and pretend he can make meaningful predictions.

What does the title say, pezus?


Nintendo will unify the business as they lead the 8th generation with Wii U.
That's how they finish the work of the Wii, of the Revolution.

It's right there in the title.
UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION.

Like I said you guys are not really reading what I'm saying.
You're making your own interpretations & reacting.

Guess you guys have low attention spans about the "text".
But I can't see how when I pretty much give you the story right there in the opening title.
John Lucas

P.S.: It's pretty much like how you guys somehow missed these words written in the opening post about THIS topic.

"I saw 50 million as a possibility for 3DS for the end of the year."

Said it right from the start. "A possibility". But nobody knows how to read anymore.

This thread is an attempt to get back at "nintendo haters" who exposed you. You needed to salvage 2013 because it's been embarrassing for you and you decided to make a silly prediction that would make you look good in your own twisted mind.

The fact that "you saw 50m as a possibility" makes you look stupid to be honest. No one in their right mind thought it was a possibility. Get a new pair of glasses. I won't say more because I'll get banned.