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TheGhosts said:
Soundwave said:

Being third party friendly is being consumer friendly. No one wants a console supported by just 1 company.

In the 1990s EA opted initially not to support the N64 either because of the major differences with the cart format, but Howard Lincoln made it a personal goal to get EA on board for the console and got the job done.

Nintendo has no one who even gives a crap about that anymore. Iwata has destroyed any of Nintendo's catchet with Western publishers.

I'm tired of Nintendo fans making excuses for Nintendo. The problem is entirely Nintendo themselves, they keep making odd-ball consoles with bizarre hardware decisions all over the place every single time out, have a loud fanbase that makes a lot of noise but avoids really buying any third party games like the plague, etc. etc. etc. They lost the Nintendo fans who were more flexible in buying things like F-Zero and Star Wars and Turok and GoldenEye back in the 90s a long time ago by continually pushing that type of fan to Sony/MS. 

Nintendo had every oppurtunity to do something terrific with their new console and instead of making a solid, up to date console, and taking advantage of a 1 year headstart, they chose to make another gimmick-based, out of date console. The only difference this time is no one cares about the controller gimmick they bet the farm on, so now they're screwed. 

Which was predictable, it's like a friend who decides to stop working because he won big at Vegas his first time there, now he thinks he'll just pay his bills every time by going to Vegas. Well that's great if you can hit the jackpot every time, but predictably the friend is finding out the second time he wasn't able to repeat what he did the first time and now is sh*t out of luck.

All i need to say about your crap is that Nintendo makes better games than EA!!! And even the world's most powerful console in the universe will make EA games better nor they will be more fun playing them than Nintendo games!!!

That's great and all, but most people like third party support when making a $250+ investment in a home console. At one time Nintendo knew how to get that as NES and SNES were the PS/XBox of their day.