padib said:
Funny, I always felt that way about most zealous Sony gamers. Quite arrogant, like to put down other consoles (X1, WiiU), like to think they are the best or smartest. The better Sonyites are among the best users across the board though. |
Yeah, lately there have been new Sony members (and existing ones) that annoyed the fuck out of me. They always existed, but they exploded with the PS4. A lot do think that the PS4 is the only good console and that Sony can do no wrong etc. But what I'm talking about here is judging games. It's true some Sony fans ridicule Nintendo for being "kiddy" and such, but at least I don't see Sony fans that act like Sony is the only company that makes worthwile games and that other companies are worthless. Or that a game which has cutscenes isn't a real game or whatever. I feel like Sony fans in general accept a wider variety of games. By saying that, I don't mean that I get annoyed by people who only play Nintendo first party. It's their choice, but to say that they're the only good ones and all other games/devs are bad annoys me.