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I see how some people don't see GT5P as a full game when you compare it to what people are used to on a Full GT game, however, a GT game is not your average game. What other racer gives you 46 tracks and 700 cars? None. This gen what racing game has given people more than GT5P will, besides Forza, in some aspects? None. So to compencate for that Sony has given purchasers a 30% discount on the title, but keep in mind GT5P is still offering things like GTTV which in and of itself is going to be a big added bonus.

As for the argument that once GT5 is out GT5P will be useless, yes that is true, but what other sports, games are still usefull after their successor is released? MLB 06 The Show was useless the day 07 came out, and it does not matter iff I skip 07, 08, and 09 once I get the next Show, the last will be useless.

Now I am not trying to persude anyone into buying this game. I understand it is not for every GT fan, and not everyone even likes GT. All I am trying to get at is that saying you wont purchase this title because it is not a full game, or you would purchase it if you could get away with only having to only 20 extra dollars for the next instalment is kind of ignerant and annoying. If you don't want the game why post about why you don't want it, or how they could cator it to your demands, because it is not going to change anything. For those of us that do want it we understand that we are paying to have the privilage of getting to eperiance GT5 right now instead of waiting a whole nother year. We feel that the deal is worth the purchase for what we are being offered, and are perfectly content with the idea of paying full price when the Offical GT5 releases with 10x the content. So please stop saying we are ignerant, when you are the ones being hipocritical towards the game.

Many Thanks to those that will accept that you have to pay to play, and GT5P is worth it to some, but some are willing to wait.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams