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Dogi said:
Zappykins said:
Spazzy_D said:

But how many gay husbands will Utah let you have?

I've asked several Mormons this and none have answered.  They usually just scowl.  I saw one lady with a sign that said, "My grandpa had 4 wives, I just want one!"

But it's a genuine question!  I'd like an aswer two please.

PS The one Mormon that did answer said he just wanted the one he was married to.   Then his husband said, "That's the right answer."

Mormons do not have multiple partners. Not since the 1800's. Been illegal since then and made illegal by the mormons themselves. It's an old misconception.

Actually 'plural marriages' as they call are still a core tenate of their religoun.  They official gave up the practice to allow Utah to become a state, but it is still pratice and still a core value.  But it's only the only man many woman kind.

But they seem to be trying to bring it back if you look at some other cases.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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