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corrected issue with dynmap plugin on nibiru, a few other plugins are broken right now. creative gates chief among them. I will try and update/ fix that this week. also i plan on removing sand world and hansfort from nibiru . both will be available form archive but for the most part i was the only one using them. in about another week we should be moving to a 512 ssd from a 256, the 256 was getting a little cramped and a 512 came available after i upgraded my laptop. this means the nibiru will be shut down briefly this thursday and both servers for a longer period in about a week from now.

tone dont know if your following right now or not but have fixed the issue with vpn, by the time your state side should be able to give you an account to manage the server instance securely vs the old solution.

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog