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Max King of the Wild said:
sundin13 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
sundin13 said:
We already know that Nintendo loses money on every console sold so how exactly do you say that it is overpriced? I don't understand that logic.

Well, first of all the lose money because of the gaming pad which no one wanted. Its like the kinect. It increases the price of the package which people would rather not have.

The pad itself isn't very expensive (controller + resistive screen really isn't much more pricey than conroller) and I'd say you are dead wrong that no one wanted the Gamepad. It actually adds a lot to games when used well (similar to motion controls) whereas Kinect at best is an optional peripheral. I will say that this is pretty much impossible to argue as it is extremely subjective...

PS: I added an edit to my last post for anyone who didn't notice.

You can say I'm wrong all you want. All I need to do is point to sales that are less than the gamecube. As for price.... I think you need to do research. Nintendo sold a replacement with no retail markup for $150. Now tell me, if it doesn't add much more then why is it tripled the price of controllers that are sold at retail?

nintendo sold that replacement for so much
a. because no one really had reason to buy the controller because multi controllers werent supported
b. controllers always have ridiculous mark up
C. because they could

Like I said, look at what the controller is. Its a normal controller with a resistive screen and some extra plasic. The plastic is neglible in price and resistive screens are dirt cheap. The 360 controller costs 11$ to make and yet it sold for 50$ or more. Thats a 5x mark up. Attach a 5x markup to Wii U controller and it'll be worth 30$ and that is without factoring the fact that nintendo wasn't marketing their controllers to a mass audience. They really didn't want to sell them.

Argue that without saying " costs 150$" please