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Ehh, I dont think its quite that easy to dismiss.

KingdomHeartsFan said:

1. Nintendo to discontinue the Wii U:  This is never gonna happen and anyone that things it will obviously was not around when Sega left the hardware bussiness.  It makes no sense for Nintendo to drop the Wii u because they'd lose all trust from the consumer and no one would buy their next system also Nintendo has way more than enough money to whether the storm of one bad console, especially considering they have another console, the 3DS, selling amazing.  Also ITS ONLY BEEN 1 YEAR and people are already saying they are gonna drop support, oh ya just ignore the Wii U's 2014 lineup destroys the PS4's and X1's.

This one I can kinda agree with, though it depends on the time set. If people are saying 2014 then sure, call them out. If people are saying late 2015 through 2016 though then its not out of the question if sales dont pick up throughout 2014. Support simply wont be there and interest in the system will drop to the point that Nintendo will be forced to discontinue it, because retailers wont want it.

KingdomHeartsFan said:

2. Wii U will sell less than the Gamecube:  I can't believe anyone actually things this, but lets think about this logically.  The Wii U managed to sell 4m units in 1 year with terrible first party support, now the Gamecube only managed to sell 21m units...anyone that things the Wii U won't easily reach 21m is crazy.  Nintendo is releasing a huge lineup of first party games next year and Nintendo tends to save 1 or 2 games to reveal at E3 and release for holiday season, this year will probably be Zelda U or Miyamoto's new IP or both, add those to SSB, MK8, X, Bayonetta 2, Yoshi Yarn, Donkey Kong TF, and SMT x FE anyone that things the Wii U will sell less than 10m next year, which is half the total GC sales, is crazy.  If it can sell 4m in this year with that terrible support it can easily sell 10m next year with that huge lineup.

This is a bullshit one. The Wii U selling less than the Gamecube certainly isnt out of the question. Just compare it to the Gamecube right now launches aligned. Look at the situation in Europe. Look at the complete lack of meaningful support from 3rd parties.

Firstly, lets compare the Wii U to the Gamecube (and other NIntendo platforms) in America.

Its not pretty, is it.

How about we compare it to say... The Dreamcast. Surely its beating the Dreamcast, right?!

Wrong. Its being doubled by the Dreamcast in America and trippled(!) by the Gamecube launches aligned MoM.

Things arent as rosy and bright as youre making them out to be. The Wii U is in a real hole and Nintendo are really struggling to pull it out.

How about Europe? Well, European retailers just sent back a bunch of Wii U systems. If this doesnt spell trouble then I dont know what does. All this despite being having the headstart on other next gen consoles. Seeing how Wii U will fare with 2 more platforms to contend with is going to be very interesting.

You need to open your eyes and see the problems. Will Kart and Smash help? Somewhat, yes. The problem is though that they didnt exactly do wonders for Gamecube did they? And this time Smash aint even an exclusive! Bayonetta, FExSMT and Yoshi wont a significant number of systems.

The Wii U is in serious trouble. Selling less than or equal to the Gamecube isnt out of the question at all.

Point 3 is pointless to go up against, because if by some miracle they do shift 30-40 Million then they will profit based on software sales and console legs.