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Kwaad said: Cloud_2049 said: I see your point, it just doesn't matter. DS has a bigger install base, and that's what developers see. Go ahead, compare PS2 to Gamecube games using the same method. It's really just a waste of time. Yeah the PS2 blows the GC out of the water in 3rd party. Gotta rember, all 111million consoles arent in use today. Consider about 1/3rd are actively played. and 1 out of 10 of those buy 1 new game a month. My point is % of game sales. 3rd party to 1st party. GameCube follows DS and Wii as well. Want to do % of game sales as well? I'm just saying. Why is the numbers skewed so bad in favor of 1st party on Nintendo. Wii - 2million nintendo games sold in japan. Wii - just over 500,000 3rd party. PS3 - about 200,000 sony games. PS3 - about 500,000 3rd party. Explain the PS3/Wii in 3rd party sales % then.
No need too do that, what does it matter if nintendo platforms have low 3rd party sales? Nothing because they sell anyway, and low 3rd party causes less consoles too be sold? Not true, look DS.

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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