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Alright troops! Our mission is to maximize revenue without damaging future value! That means making the Wii U and 3DS sell as much as possible and preparing for a strong next generation.

First off, everybody in a major position of power will be forced to read articles about why Nintendo should go 3rd party. Then, make them explain why the arguments in these articles are stupid. Anybody who agrees with said articles shall be decapitated.

Next, we'll talk about appeasing 3rd parties. Or rather, why we shouldn't try to. The NES, Game Boy, and Wii didn't succeed because of 3rd party support. Relying on 3rd parties is something lame gaming companies do. We won't go out of our way to alienate them, but it's okay to sell a bit less hardware and have some less support if that means a lot more Nintendo games are sold. We aren't in this to sell the most hardware; we actually have to make money for a living.



  • Advertise the hel out of the Wii U. Portray it as a new system with new unique games, a cheaper alternative to the PS4/One, and emphasize the GamePad. The GamePad might not have been a great idea after all, but if it's going to raise the system's price dramatically ala Kinect 2.0, we're going to make it a major feature! Advertisments should show off the GamePad, while emphasizing how it is PART of a NEW system. Perhaps a new logo is in order, like "The System for U!" Call it corny, but at least that distinguishes it from the original Wii.
  • The 3D Mario, Zelda, and Mario Party teams are just starting up new projects. Make the 3D team make a 3D Land 2. Tell them that it should be the Super Mario World to 3D Land's Bros 3, not its Super Mario Galaxy 2. In other words, a true successor, rather than a map pack ala NSMB2. THat should be finished by late 2014 preferably, but Holiday 2015 is understanable. Meanwhile, also begin work on the next 3D Mario for consoles. It could be 3D World 2, Galaxy 3, or anything else. The point is, both the 3DS and Wii U should get a second 3D Mario.
  • The Zelda team should help Grezzo get a Majora's Mask remake ready in time for Holiday 2014, but its main goal should be the next console Zelda. Holiday 2014 would be nice, but 2015 is more likely. The game should be a spiritual successor of A Link Between Worlds, borrowing the new mechanics people enjoy from that environment and applying it to a fully 3D game. Include some form of online funtionality, even if it only is a strong Miiverse tie-in.
  • Nd Cube is done with the 3DS. Get them started on mario Party games for the Wii U. They should be cheap, easy money, like in the GameCube days. I expect at least two Mario Party games from them for the Wii U.



  • Retro is a great studio, but seems to flourish from choices. Metroid should be offered as an option, but also suggest other options. Perhaps a new Kid Icarus: Uprising game for Wii U? It could be the 3D World to Uprising's 3D Land, and get made with cooperation from Sakurai. Personally, I think a more family friendly shooter with great depth and multiplayer would be a great thing for the Wii U. And on the Wii U, the superior controls could make for an even deeper game.
  • The Mario Kart team should split in two. One small part should start working on the next Nintendo handheld's iteration, MK9. The majority, however, have a choice, They can either make a Nintendogs title for the Wii U, or work on a new series. Perhaps they'll be the ones to make Miyamoto's mythical new IP?
  • Sakurai and co. have several options. Sora should get started on the new Smash Bros as soon as the next-gen hardware starts being made, with SSB5 hopefully being a launch title for at least one of Nintendo's 9th gen systems. However, it's too soon for full development. This is another reason why Kid Icarus on the Wi U would be a good idea; it'd give Sakurai something to do. As a third option, make a new Kirby game, for Wii U.
  • After Bayonetta 2 comes out, try to politely end any exclusivity contracts with Platinum. If The Wonderful 101 is any indicator, their games simply don't sell software or hardware.
  • Although Mario Kart and Smash Bros should be the marketing focus of the year, make X at least the third most promoted game, even ahead of Donkey Kong. Nintendo could use a new popular "hardcore" franchise, and this looks like a safe bet. If it pays off, it'd be like having Skyrim as an exclusive, at least critically. Worst case scenario, it does as well as Xenoblade.
  • You may have noticed that the 3DS has scarcely been mentioned so far. That's for a good reason. The already announced support should serve the system well enough for 2014, considering the strong 2013.
  • Work on the account system. Unify digital purchases whenever possible, and introduce crossplay for at least one game, perhaps that Free-to-Play Steel Diver.



  • Zelda should be the focus this year for the Wii U, along with any games delayed from 2014. Bundle it, advertise it, release an album with its music a month in advance, do what it takes to erase the relative lowpoint that was Skyward Sword! Zelda is too valuable to fade into irrelevance.
  • Remeber Intelligent Systems? Their next Paper Mario should be due by now. Make it for the WIi U! Likewise, try to get Luigi's Mansion 3, Wii Fit U Plus, and other sequels to recent games this year. 2015 should be for the Wii U like 2010 was to the Wii.
  • The 3DS needs another round of momentum. This calls for the second 3D Mario and Pokamon Z or Gen 3 remakes. Those alone can sell enough systems for the year. Also, consider releasing the fourth model of 3DS this year, if it's ready. If not, next year. Said new model should mostly focus on battery life, extra memory for multitasking, and maybe improved 3D effects. A DSi-like leap is unnecessary.


  • Release the successors to the 3DS and Wii U.



I have more ideas, but they're stupid.

Love and tolerate.