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selnor1983 said:
FrancisNobleman said:

So now, they just need to confirm if the footage was running on an actual console, or the infamous "devkit" with a gtx 700 inside.

I think they could be using the second one, since the console at this stage can't even handle cod at 1080 60 fps let alone a game that looks this good. Unless it is doing so at sub-720...


Sorry its already confirmed running on actual hardware. And no Exclusive game will be running poorly

Quantum Break is made by remedy, not GG or crytek. Their comments are irrelevant to my point.


Name the source were it states clearly that the footage shown at E3 was on a RETAIL DEVKIT and not on a WINDOWS 7 PC WITH A GTX - WHICH BY THE WAY TOTALLY EXCEEDS THE CAPABILITIES OF THE XBONE. And quite a LOT at that.


Just post the source :)


And no exclusive game will be running poorly ?


Killer instinct rings a bell ? Shouldn't a fighting game be 1080p60fps on this "next gen" hardware, capabale of so much more ?