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JoeTheBro said:
Locknuts said:
cmay227 said:
Locknuts said:
112 pages? Wow people really care about dem pixels!

Yes they do!!! I wonder if they care about mp3's, CD's, USB drives or external USB support or dlna support?

Sony waits till the last moment to drop possibly unwelcomed news. good for PS4 on the COD ghosts news.

Holy crap I didn't realise all that would be missing at launch! mp3s? really? And apparently you have to subscribe to some $10 per month Sony music thing to get music on your PS4? (Please someone tell me I'm wrong, with a link if possible)

At launch. Sony's put their resources on way more important things. Shu already tweeted that they are doing what they can to patch in what people desire post launch.

Well I hope they allow uploading of private MP3 collections and CDs, but with the Sony Unlimited service that seems unlikely.