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The Fury said:
aikohualda said:
The Fury said:

Really? So the modern era is 1 game?

I mean what else is there?

14 and 13-2...

i think their cycle of generation is 6 games... so you expect 13-18.....


I'll admit, my reply was somewhat tongue in cheek/sarcastic.

A sequal to  one of the most poorly recieved FF titles and another MMO. As far as I am concerned, we've had 1 main non-MMO FF title. If you count FFXII-2, you  might as well count Crystal Chronicles.

square enix has been messing up thats what it is... i hope they bounce back on XV..... i really think they put 13-2 there just to fill up the title.... they didnt even put x-2 on the golden age