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So I am off by a few days (shared minecraft server nibiru since 2013-10-13) but, WOOT!! 3 years and still going

original computer host was a powermac g5 dual 2ghz with 6 gig ram. after 10 months moved to my new tower an i7-2600k with 16gig of ram. then 7 months later to a dedicated computer with a i3-2120 with 16gig ram then raised to 32 gig of ram.. the next fall had a fan header go our, replacment mobo fried the cpu while waiting on an rma for the cpu and new mobo, moved to an i3-3240 (old i3 moved to freenas project), this fall swapped ram in tower (32 gigs had been a bit buggy) with faster lower voltage ram (this and the cpu change paid during the last power outage got an extra 25 min out of the ups. all other towers on home network had shut down) .

future plans, move from 256 gig ssd we are wearing out to a 512 gig (is in my laptop, will replace my laptop with a 1tb ssd)

make all prior saves accessible to download off FTP about 4TB of saves

merge water world and nibiru, but keep waterworld no spwan/warp/give area

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog