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I know this is a bit weird, but using results from the upcoming Most Wanted feature for November, here are the most anticipated remaining games of 2013.



Title Platform Publisher Points Votes
Super Mario 3D World Wii U Nintendo 105 28
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 3DS Nintendo 57 20
Killzone Shadowfall PS4 Sony 32 8
Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus PS3 Sony 18 5
Gran Turismo 6 PS3 Sony 15 7
Tearaway Vita Sony 14 4
Ys: Memories of Celceta Vita Xseed 14 5
South Park: The Stick of Truth PS3 Ubisoft 13 4
Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse PC Revolution 10 3
South Park: The Stick of Truth PC Ubisoft 10 3


Note that games across platforms that scored at least 10 points total, like Call of Duty: Ghosts, are not here. They may be 10 or more points combining platforms, but there is little platform-specific support for these titles.


As for the big games of November and December, as listed here... well, look at them! No Xbox One games, and a single PS4. The Wii U only has one game too, but at least it is extremely anticipated! Only the PS3 has a good diverse lineup this holiday based on preliminary data.


I dunno. I think the initial launches of the PS4 and Xbone might be sales successes, but disappointing from a gamer's point of view. Much like the 3DS launch over two years ago, albeit to a lesser degree. In contrast, the Wii U had a couple of widely anticipated launch games (NSMBU, ZombiU, Assassin's Creed 3, and Epic Mickey 2 all did well a year ago, in advance of the Wii U launch). And even a strong launch did little to help after the new year. And considering how long it may take for the PS4/One to get games on a more regular basis than the PS360...

I think DriveClub's delay, much like the late Japanese launch of both systems, Watch Dogs being delayed, and the rumors about the One being rushed to market, suggest that this year was a bad one to release the new systems. Even waiting a couple of months for a Q1 release, like the 3DS and Vita had, might have been a better idea.

Love and tolerate.