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I can't wait to add that trailer to my 100 3D Movie Premieres of 2014 Thread this December.

Godzilla 3D FTW.

I bet you somewhere from 70% to 95% of all people will see this in 3D.

So who here plans on seeing Godzilla in 3D?

FYI the script is at least 5 years in the making, and they were still perfecting it further. So this should be good.
Similar thing about Jurassic Park 4 3D & Independence Day 2 & 3; 3D, well ID4 2 & 3; 3D had probably 10 or 15 years of script writing. And all several of these mentioned movies are recorded in 3D, but they haven't started filming ID4 2 3D yet.

may the 100 or so 3D Movies of 2014 January 2014 (LOL)

Now to wait for Tron 3 trailer......that long...*release date 2016* screw waiting for that trailer (LOL)