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DevilRising said:
spurgeonryan said:
DevilRising said:
I WOULDN'T base it on the Thrawn Trilogy or any other expanded universe material. At all.

I'd go with whatever Lucas already had written down years and years ago.

I would say that we need to start to move away from Lucas. Not totally original stuff, but just not all lucas either. Star Trek has had a nice reboot, why not do that for Star Wars as well. Not that they need it, but it could get many more people interested.

I would personally argue the point that the Star Trek reboot has been "nice". But that's a personal opinion. To me, it's been garbage, and it has me still worried about what Abrams is going to be allowed to do to Star Wars. In THAT sense, I'm very glad that Lucas is still hanging around in a "yes you can do that/no you can't do that" type of advisory role.

As for moving away from Lucas, call me a purist, but to me, the only truly "canon" Star Wars material are the movies. There is some really nice stuff in some of the games and expanded universe books, but honestly, when you get too many people trying to add to a mythos, it becomes a mess, which it has.


Not sure what that is supposed to be, but people have seen a fairly detailed outline of ideas Lucas had for a possible sequel trilogy. That has been confirmed more than once. Some of that material seems to be the basis for the actual seventh film being made. So.............yeah.

Lol I just be trolling, that is a page from Lucas's notebook from back before he fleshed out the franchise. Before the filming of at the time second Star Wars film he decided that he was going to make it into an epic series he sketched out this in his notebook


The OG trilogy was Episodes VI, VII, and VIII, then a Clone Wars trilogy took up Episodes II, III, and IV, while Episode I was a prelude, Episodes IX through XI were simply left blank – and Episode XII was the conclusion.

By later he changed it to 6 films OG Trilogy being IV, V, VI and then the prequel trilogy. And later he mentioned he had a notebook of ideas for a third trilogy that would be what happened to Luke after VI but that it was rather etherial. He has long said that ep VII onwards would be someone else's vision.

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