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I sold my 3DS some days ago. Had it for a few months with Animal Crossing, Mario 3D Land, Donkey Kong 3D and Fire Emblem. I tried various games, but compared with the Vita, everything just seems so outdated. The screens are absoultely HORRIBLE compared to the Vita. The (in my opinion) bad graphics don't help either. After playing with the Vita, I could barely stand the visuals of the 3DS. Then there's the system software. Vita is super smooth and can run mutliple apps at the same time. Checking something on the web or on youtube while playing a game? No problem whatsoever on the Vita. On the 3DS, you have to quit your game first, which is slow as hell. Then you have to start a new app, close it, and start your game again. It really gets on my nerve. Besides, Youtube doesn't run at all and the Browser is next to useless thanks to the extreme low resolution.

On top of that, I enjoy the games on the Vita a lot more. I tried various games on both platforms, but nothing on 3DS came even close to the fun I had with Killzone, Uncharted, Gravity Rush, The Walking Dead and oh so many more. And that's not even counting the endless hours I will spend playing Minecraft in the future.

What would it take for me to get back to the 3DS? I don't know, man. I've been playing Nintendo games since 1989, but they just don't appeal to me anymore. While there are some minor changes, it still feels like back in the days and I really am sick and tired of rescuing the princess with Mario or Link. It would need some serious exclusive Killer App which I can't possibly resist. But I don't see it happening.

Better hardware would also help, I guess. But then again, hardware without software is useless. And I'm pretty sure by the time Nintendo releases a more powerful Handheld, Sony will also have something even more powerful. Yeah, I don't think the Vita will be Sonys last Handheld. I don't hate the 3DS or anything, I gave it a try and really tried to enjoy it. But it's just not my kind of gaming. But if you're happy with it, that's fine by me and I wish you as much fun as possible. In the end, isn't it great that we have a choice? That way, everyone can just pick the handheld they prefer.

I personally like the Vita much more than the 3DS. The 3DS collected dust while I play with the Vita on a daily basis. But that doesn't mean we have to hate each other, does it?

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.