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It came across me that Sony relying on Killzone and Gran Turismo spin-off with different name Driveclub, and Microsoft relying on Forza 5 and Call of Duty with mechs Titanfall, may be as effective as the Nintendo reliance on Super Mario Bros, U and NIntendogs 3D to sell both the Wii U and 3DS at launch and failed miserably because nobody cares. I think Ryse and Knack, may be just as effective at demonstrating the new hardware and driving sales as Nintendoland.


Sure there are other games, but mostly, last gen slightly up-ports.

What if there is ZERO games that can keep the sales going, after the initial impulse buys and fanbase purchases, and both consoles will just struggle till the true next genness arrives on some new IP ?

I could possibly see this coming and watch the tides turn in favour of the Wii U, that is getting better and better and is inbound to receive a massive avalanche of key titles.