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theRepublic said:
So, I saw this thread in the Hot Topics for the first time in months. I read through about 100 posts I had missed. Then I realized I have not played or even updated in months. So I opened the launcher and updated. Then it had to take me to a separate website to update to 1.6.

I finished all the updates, and went to my saves. My newest save was started on version 1.2! Hasn't been played since March of this year either. Damn, I've been gone awhile.

It happens, play constantly for a bit, then for  a while off to another game. and 4 months later back to minecraft. I try to pay a bit more attention keeping the server up and all, but 1.6.4 caught me off guard. 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog