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LOL, so lemme get this straight ... Wii U bombs worse this year than anyone predicted and this is a "rah rah" moment for you guys?

Sure I bought into some of the kool-aid and spin that people were putting on the Wii U.

I was wrong. I did think there was a chance that Nintendo Land and the quasi-home handheld nature of the console could succeed in Japan.

It hasn't at all. But that's not on "me", lol, that's on Nintendo and their own crap market performance.

Wii U has performed worse with virtually every demographic than I could have imagined. I also underestimated the impact of tablets/phones/freemium gaming.

Nintendo Land isn't a terrible game, it's probably a better quality product than Wii Sports, there just isn't a market for this idea anymore in a mass market sense. 4-5 years ago, a Mii-based party game featuring popular Nintendo IP attractions probably would've sold through the roof, the audience for that sort of thing just waned and the people willing to pay $300+ for that type of experience are even fewer.