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First off, the fact that they have taken a good produce and upgraded it so much is awesome. I can't imagine playing Skyrim without using Kinect now. It would be annoying to go backwards and pretend it doesn't make the game better.

Just being able to chose any Dragon Shout instantly, without the tediousness of going through a menu is great. Then the added feature like sort by weight or value for you inventory, reverse the sort, etc. Makes the game more manageable, especially as your character gets more advanced.

That being said, in my opinion they still haven't really shown a new "Killer Kinect App' yet. We do have yet to see what it can do for Zoo Tychoon. And there isn't yet a new Dance Central game, just a Just Dance one. People that have played them really like Disney's Fantasia and Sports Rivals.

I'm waiting to see what Double Fine does with a Xbox One sequel to Happy Action Theatre/Kinect Party. Or a follow up to Kinect Adventures, which I have played thousand of hours more than Wii Sports.

Sure, I will probably get those games. But I think they have yet to show their killer Kinect 2.0 apps. Other than the device it self, and hopefully, voice search will work within all the apps. If I had to chose one, right now it would be Disney Fantasia.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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