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Wii U ain't even sniffing the NES, SNES, or Wii. That's pure fantasy IMO.

It can barely maintain a sales rate comparable to the Sega Dreamcast competing against a 7 year old XBox 360 and a 6 year old PS3 as is.

At this point I think it will require a bit of a minor miracle to match the N64.

N64 had ground shattering Mario and Zelda games and an extremely popular version of Mario Kart to boot as well as some huge hits from Rare, most notably GoldenEye, which was a monster blockbuster and it still only got Nintendo to 33 million or so.

Is Nintendo going to make a Mario anytime before 2015 that has the impact of Mario 64? Do they have something equivalent to GoldenEye? Or even Perfect Dark? Is the next Zelda going to be more popular than Ocarina of Time?