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The other part of the issue I think is Sony/MS generally address issues once and for all. People have pointed out rightly so that Sony/MS, but lets look at the big complaints for each hardware ...

- PS3 is too expensive, Sony's lost their minds. Sony did drop the price of the PS3 fairly rapidly, making the $599.99 sticker shock a moot point after a year. PS4 is much more affordable from day 1.
- PSN was hacked! Oh noes! However, PSN hasn't been hacked since that one screw up
- RROD!! The RROD thing hasn't been an issue for 360s for years now. The new XB1 seemingly has a lot of thought put into it with regards to overheating.

The main things Sony and MS haven't corrected is for Sony they still don't put quite as much effort into their handhelds as needed and for MS they continue to misuse Rare, but in the grand scheme of things that's one studio.

Nintendo ... the big issues today -- software droughts, poor third party support, poor use of the hardware novelty, poor online/slow VC releases ... are the same issues/complaints that Nintendo fans have had for 4-5 years+ (in some cases, like 15 years, lol).

Sony/MS generally tend to correct their big mistakes and take more to heart consumer/market feedback. Nintendo just often times insists on ramming its head against the wall over and over again and has the same issues dogging them every generation. That's where the griping comes from in the Nintendo community I think ... we're constantly asked to just accept these short-comings, whereas Sony/MS fans get their bigger gripes dealt with at least.