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got on for a good chunk today did not realize how short i was on iron and diamond, have had to go back to mining. currently exploring a rather massive mineshaft that seems to cut into two rifts, coal and iron plenty but light on the diamond.

for now i am holding of expansion of my third wall/gate until i finnish restocking which could be awhile i would like to have have a chest of iron and quarter a chest of diamond.

dont know if anyone else here plays it but kerbal space program has been stealing a bit of my time, can orbit easily enough now. but have not been able to dock in space or land/hit the moon... though am getting very close to it... my last flight i accidentally blew a stage early when i was close and lost all the fuel/ mono propellent i needed to orbit the moon... poor kerbel will be in space forever

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog