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As of about two weeks ago, the Nintendo 3DS has been released (at least in Japan) for two and a half years. During that time, the system has been seen by many as a major success, with over 30 million units of hardware sold and hundreds of games released for the platform.

Before the next big wave of heavy hitters come the last three months of the year (Zelda, Pokemon, Mario Party, various JRPG's etc.), I thought it would be fun for everybody to vote for their Top 10 Best/Favorite 3DS games.

The rules are fairly simple. Simply list your games from #1 for your favorite game to #10 for your 10th favorite game. Games in the #1 spot will get 10 points, games in the #2 spot will get 9 points, and so on until #10, which will receive 1 point.

All 3DS retail and/or eShop games qualify. These include retail titles like PilotWings Resort, multiplatform titles like the LEGO games, and 3DS eShop games such as Mutant Mudds. Note that DS and DSiWare games will NOT be counted. Neither will games released after this September. I repeat, NOTHING RELEASED AFTER SEPTEMBER 30, 2013, WILL BE COUNTED!

Voting will end on October 12, the day the 2DS and Pokemon X/Y come out.

Happy Voting!


My Example

1. Kid Icarus: Uprising (10 Points)

2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

3. Resident Evil: Revelations

4. Super Mario 3D Land


6. Mario Kart 7

7. Fire Emblem: Awakening

8. Shin Megami Tensei 4

9. Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars

10.  Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (1 Point)